Tuesday 22 November 2011

You can count on the postal service to drive you bonkers!!!!

Excuse me whilst I spontaneously combust for a moment!!

I recently claimed for a lost parcel with our wonderful *ahem* national postal service......

Our local PO checked all of my documents/evidence to make sure it was what was needed.... all OK.

So today, my 'response' letter arrives.... delivered to the wrong house as it has the wrong address on it....

My claim basically 'rubbished' because according to them, I have NOT sent sufficient evidence and all I get is a book of 6 first class stamps!!!!

Mr FizZy's response "oh if I had known that I wouldn't have bothered buying a book last week" - how helpful of him :(

So I phone the number on the letter and begin explaining the situation to a lady and it becomes evident very quickly that she knows absolutely nothing at all *sigh* she said she needs to put me through to another department and starts to give me a phone number that I need to call - so she cant even just transfer me!!!!

Turns out the number she gives me is the one I had originally phoned to talk to her AAAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

So I phone the SAME number again, press the option buttons (as I had before) and got through to another lady, explain the situation..... "I see you have been sent a book of stamps" she states - as if that's supposed to make up for it!!!

I ask her what type of evidence I should have sent - she reads out a list - yep, you guessed it, the list is exactly what I sent in the first place!!!

My complaint is being passed back to the claims department apparently for them to re assess and they will then get in touch via letter again.... so I ask the lady to make sure that the letter is sent to the correct address and for her to change my details on their system......

Am I really asking for too much???????

Watch this space......

FizZy Bob'S - Handmade Baby Boutique - Gorgeous Baby and Childrens Accessories, Essentials and Gifts

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